I had a Dream
I watched Super Show last Thursday, Iya was one of those who had the opportunity to interview them. i saw their reaction when they saw her standing before them. Though discretely, thye whispered to one another. It seems that they find her beautiful; with those big eyes and superb body, who wouldn't?
And so, i read an article yesterday about Kyu Hyun, the maknae of Super Junior had to undergo a surgery due to some ear problem.
I was about to sleep last night (dawn to be exact, it's 2am in my part of the world) when i stumbled to another news at soompi. It says the maknae of Super Junior is dominating Twitter. Fans all over the world twitts #getwellsoonkyuhyun (i think its sweet ^^) I wish i had known earlier, I might've joined them (Prince Kyu Hyun fan here!)
I closed my eyes and think about money (Well, who doesn't). I doze off and a dream visited me.
It started off from the scene where they were interviewed by Iya. It seems like I was watching them live. As i was watching i checked at my concert ticket and raffle tickets in my purse. Then after the interview, all of us including the Super Junior members (they have coupons too) were ushered to another room and started the raffle, the first prize was 2M Php the second prize is half of it. I knew they were there with us but i can't point out where they were since they were scattered, seated individually. I saw Yesung and Kyu Hyun though, since they were seated to near me. i kept turning my head in hopes of finding all of them but failed. The draw has started and the people who won screamed in delight.
Grand prize winner was announced and it was raffle number 002. There was silence, each looking at their tickets. They started to count when i stood up abruptly and said "Uhmn, i think that's my number. Please wait, I'll look at it." It seems like I was too busy looking for the other members that i neglected the coupons (good thing i peeked at it earlier and remembered the coupon number) I look for it inside my purse; heart racing and hands trembling from excitement. The moment I found it, I handed it to them, they took it and examined it thoroughly.
Imagine my shock and disappointment when they told me my coupon has expired! (is there such a thing as expiration date in a raffle coupon?! absurd!!) I yelled at them in frustration "I bought it here and it's authentic, why did you put expiration dates when you knew the raffle draw was today?!" (in tagalog btw.kekeke) My body started to shook from anger.My eyes started to water but i held it desperately, my throat felt that it was going to rip from holding it all in. I swallowed hard while shutting my eyes tightly and took successive deep breaths to calm myself "You're a fraud!" with weak knees I stride my way out; I was halfway to the door when a voice seated behind the curtain stopped me.
"Excuse me, can I ask something about this?" he asked while showing his coupon
I stopped short and turned to look at him, i felt my anger stepped two steps down. I tried to smile a little and looked at him straight "Siwon-ssi!"
"Can I ask you what will I put here?" he asked whie pointing at the blank spaces
"Oh, you put your address there." I said after looking at what he pointed. I studied his face and i knew he doesn't know what address means (huh?! he spoke english earlier though!). So I continued "Where do you live? Where is your house located?" I spoke slowly and tenderly as if I was teaching a child. (kekeke)
He smiled and nodded "Aahh!! my address!" he said in hangul. I smiled and nodded with him as if I understood what he said
"That smile alone can let me forget my anger." i said in tagalog to avoid him from understanding. I bowed at him "I'll go then" I turned to walk when he spoke again
"Uhmn" he started which mada me look back and ask
"Wae?" this madde him look up and gave me a bright smile before asking
"You now how to speak hangul?" he asked in hangul
I shook my head while smiling, I enumerated the hangul words i knew and he understood. He started to ask again pointing to the word province.
I shook my head and my eyes welled from the thought "There's no use filling that up. It's fraud" I told him willing my self to be brave, I swallowed the lump on my throat and looked up to stop the tears from flowing before i continued to speak
"Province is where your address is at. Like Seoul, Busan, Ilsan etc." I said, he nodded in understanding. he motioned me to sit right next to him and so I did. I cleared my throat and said "What else do you want to know?" I tried to give him a happy smile but failed
He looked at me with tender eyes "Kwenchana. They will get what they deserve. Just let it out." His arm flew on my shoulder and started caressing it while looking at the stage.
I was so touched with the thought that he knew and understood what has happened to me. And he took effort to get my attention because he cared. I burst out crying on his chest while he tapped my back assuring.
And the sweet dream ended... Why should it stop there really!!!
Like A Dream
5 years ago